Running Scripts to a Switched PDU
Running Scripts to a Switched PDU
Switched PDUs can perform many useful functions in the product development test lab. In addition to providing a centralized power control point that can be used to initiate reboot cycles during regression testing, advanced Switched PDUs can also be controlled by scripts in order to automate power on-off switching for repetitive reboot tests.

During product development, repetitive reboot testing provides engineers and developers with a means to observe how a test device reacts to power reboots. Typically, this is accomplished by first connecting the test device to a switched PDU, and then connecting a data collection device to a set-up port or console port on the test device. Each time power is switched Off and On, any error messages or status reports that are generated by the test device can be easily captured and used to analyze device performance and detect potential problem spots.
In order to automate the repetitive power reboot test, simple scripts can be employed to initiate power Off and On switching. This both eliminates the need for constant human oversight of the test process and also adds a new level of consistency for test results by ensuring that each reboot is relentlessly performed according to schedule, without interruptions or lapses.
WTI Switched PDUs support a variety of different scripting languages. This helps to ensure that the scripts written to control the WTI Switched PDU will be compatible with the scripting languages that you use for controlling other functions in the product development lab. WTI Switched PDUs will currently support the following script languages:
WTI Switched PDUs provide the perfect solution for this type of testing. In addition to supporting operation via scripts, the WTI Switched PDUs also include advanced security and authentication features to ensure that any SSH and Web communication with the Switched PDU is secure and adequately protected from unauthorized access.
Some WTI Switched PDUs include outlet power metering capabilities that can detect test devices that have ceased to draw power and can also detect test devices that are drawing abnormally high levels of power. Power consumption data can be retrieved from the WTI Switched PDU in XML or ASCII plain text format. WTI Switched PDUs include a comprehensive array of event and environmental monitoring capabilities that can track test device response to ping commands and other noteworthy conditions and generate alarms when monitored conditions exceed user-defined parameters.
For further information, please contact the WTI Sales Team.
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