Ansible 2.7 and WTI

If you are using Ansible 2.9 and above, please refer to this link.

On October 4, 2018, Red Hat released Ansible version 2.7. In this version Western Telematic has released our initial slate of modules and Lookup plugins for the Ansible platform.

Ansible is Red Hat's Automation platform to simplify repetitive tasks and to help reduce errors by communicating with network devices in a consistent and uniform manner. Ansible automates software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment.

In this spirit WTI's first commitment to the Ansible platform are three components:

(cpm_user)  is a module to Query, Add, Edit or Delete users,

(cpm_status) is a lookup plugin to query status of WTI devices

(cpm_metering) is a lookup plugin to query power statistics of WTI Power type devices.

To interface with Ansible requires the writing of YAML based Playbooks, no programming knowledge is needed.

Sample playbooks can be found on GitHub by clicking on this link: WTI Sample PlayBooks.