Outdoor Enclosure Access and Management
Outdoor Enclosure Access and Management
When Will the Tower be Back Online?
Remote outdoor enclosures, commonly found at microwave or cell towers present a unique challenge for the network administrator. For one thing, these towers are usually located at very remote sites; often miles from the nearest paved road or power line.
Obviously, the task of maintaining and troubleshooting equipment at a remote tower site can be very problematic ... especially when communication with the tower site is down. In cases like this, before you can even access command mode to see what the problem might be, it sometimes takes a day-long journey, just to get out to the site ... and all the while, the calls keep rolling in from customers and supervisors anxiously asking, "When will the tower be back up again?"
But these days, thanks to WTI out of band management products, accessing equipment at remote towers and outdoor enclosures doesn’t really need to be this challenging. If your rack space includes a WTI out of band management hybrid, then many equipment problems can be diagnosed and corrected remotely, without expensive truck rolls and long delays while support personnel travel to the distant site.

With a DSM or RSM console server in place, all you need to do is contact the console sever via secondary network or dial-up, establish a connection with a console port on the misbehaving router or malfunctioning server, key in a few command lines and you can be up and running again in no time.
WTI out of band managers provide quick, secure, in-band and out-of-band communication with far off network elements; often allowing you to diagnose and fix equipment problems without even leaving your desk. And if your application requires power control or remote reboot capabilities, WTI also offers a comprehensive line of AC and DC based remote power reboot switches to allow you to securely reboot remote network elements with the click of a mouse.
An Enterprise Management Solution for Outdoor Enclosures

In cases where an individual administrator is responsible for managing multiple outdoor enclosures spread across a wide network, it can often be somewhat of a challenge to locate the correct out of band management unit for a specific cell tower or microwave tower. WTI out-of-band management products simplify this procedure via our unique Enterprise Management Software.
The WTI Enterprise Management Software allows administrators to find and store all WTI out-of-band management units within a user-defined IP address range, and then assign tags which describe the location and/or function of each unit. In addition to providing a centralized interface for controlling power reboot functions and accessing console port command functions on remote devices, the Enterprise Management Software can also be used to perform firmware updates for units in inventory or edit user accounts on multiple units via a centralized command interface.
Add a WTI console server or remote reboot product to your remote tower sites today, and start saving money on truck rolls and service calls tomorrow; your users will appreciate the fast response to tower problems, and you'll appreciate the fact that you're not spending your time answering all of those, "Is it fixed yet?" questions.
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