Determining the IPTABLE naming for the interfaces available on my device.

The following will show you how to determine the name of the interface you wish to apply IPTABLES to:



IP Table Naming

USB Cell (/cell)


Example iptables -A Input -i qmimux0 -j ACCEPT

Ethernet 0 (/n)


Example iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j ACCEPT

Ethernet 1 (/n1)


Example iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -j ACCEPT

Serial Cell (/cell)


Example iptables -A INPUT -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT


To determine what type of cell modem your unit has issue a “/j*”.

Look for the Modem Model. If a “-U” appears at the end of the modem model you have a USB modem. If the “-U” does not appear you have a serial modem.


        PARAMETER         |              VALUE               |
Product                   | REM-4R4-1-NE                     |
SW Version                | 7.03 2 Mar 2022                  |
Serial Number             | 01187556354                      |
Asset Tag                 | (undefined)                      |
Analog Modem Phone Number | (undefined)                      |
Modem Installed           | Yes, 4G/LTE, USB                 |
Modem Model               | MTSMC-L4N1-U                     |
GIG / DUAL-PHY            | Yes / Yes                        |
CPU / Board Program Date  | ARM / 7 May 2020                 |
RAM / FLASH               | 512 MB / 128 MB*                 |
Line Input Count / Rating | 1  / 15 Amps                     |
Current Monitor           | No                               |
Key Length                | 2048                             |
System Uptime             | 18h, 49m, 01s                    |
MAC Address [eth0]        | 00-09-9b-02-af-81                |
MAC Address [eth1]        | 00-09-9b-02-af-82